Sunday, April 26, 2009

Extreme Crime Spree


Ya? So what. As per usual, we are victimized and then the cops come to our aid - nice. He'll get a slap on the bottom and he'll be out victimizing more people. Can some one please tell me why these criminals seem to have the right to continue to commit crimes against innocent, decent people and we are forced to endure it. I have read time and time again where these morons have RAP sheets listing dozens upon dozens of crimes and they just keep on keepin' on. Things need to change.

Monday, April 20, 2009

$52,000 a free.

I was at the bank today paying an additional $700 in tax on top of the grotesque sum of money I have already paid this year and I see an article like this when I get home.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Albertans Worth Less


It is good to know that as a Canadian living in Alberta I am worth $200 less than a Canadian living in Ontario or any other province. Yet another reason Alberta needs to leave Canada.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Good for Brian Knight


Reading through some of the comments at the bottom of the article just astounded me as to the stupidity of many. Here is a man being robbed and victimized by a bunch of animals who was merely protecting himself and his property. Our right to protect ourselves has been taken away and placed in the hands of the state which basically means you can do nothing until the crime has been committed and then the state will attempt to find who did it so a paltry slap on the wrist can be delivered.

I have a nifty idea for all of you who are denouncing Brian and his actions: WHY DON'T YOU GET ANGRY AT THE DAMN CRIMINALS! Why are you up in arms about Brian? He was doing nothing wrong, enjoying his right to his life and property when along came three losers deciding that Brian's belongings were theirs . These morons were in the wrong not Brian. It is simple, you have NO right to go on another person's land and steal their property. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT. I don't care what you are smoking, how bad you childhood was or what ever other pitiful excuse you can come up with. If you don't want to get shot then simply don't go on another person's land and steal their things. YOU CAN'T DO THAT!

I believe we all have a natural right to be able to protect ourselves and our property. I am so disgusted that society has chosen to give up this right and place our protection in the hands of the state. Do you really think that you could dial 911 and have the police show up to save you if someone broke into your house, shot you, and made off with your TV? Please. The state lets you become victimized and then they attempt to catch the person. I am sorry, I subscribe to the idea of NOT becoming a victim.

Recently, a lady in Calgary called 911 about someone breaking into her house. The police showed up 45 minutes later. Disgusting. So, in order to protect criminals from being shot by their would be victim, this lady's right to to protect herself has been taken from her in favor of the criminal's right to victimize and commit crime. This lady could have been raped and murdered but that is OK just so long s the asshole committing the crime isn't hurt. Please. You can disagree with me all you want but the reality is that the state cannot and is not protecting us from crime. They merely deal with cleaning it up after it happens. That is not acceptable to me and obviously not to Brian and those supporting him.

Good job, Brian. I would have done the same thing.

Here is a link for those wishing to send a bit of cash Brian's way to help cover his legal costs: Donate