Friday, February 12, 2010

Neo Nazi Parents Lose Kids

I think this is just peachy. Why is it OK for society to remove this couple's children? Because society doesn't agree with the parents' beliefs? Last I checked we still had a right to our beliefs in this country. Are the parent's beliefs "harmful" to the children? Are the parent's beliefs any more harmful to the children than those taught in Islam or Christianity? If we called Naziism a religion would it be then OK for the parents to keep their children? Please. I shake my head at the complete lack of logical thought with matters like this.

Naziism is evil and promotes hatred, but Islam is good - right? Islam sure doesn't promote hatred now does it? No, not Islam, never! After all, Islam is the Religion of Peace. I wish society would get over this political correctness and view things for how they really are. Does the vile filth promoted by Islam really differ from those of any other hate group simply because we call Islam a religion? Does the word 'religion' make the hatred and violence towards women, gays, and non-believers acceptable under the pathetic excuse called 'religious rights'? Not a fat chance in my books. Hate is hate no matter what you call it.

Would you let your children read something with this warning label on it? Of course you wouldn't. The funny thing about this label is that it was a proposed warning label for the Holy Bible and don't tell me it isn't dead on accurate.