Just one of the hundreds of reasons why this country is running a deficit and our taxes are so high. I am quite sure our government officials can drive themselves to their meetings.
I am also curious how much money is costs the government to give me the $200 child tax credit. I can imagine producing the cheques, tracking the info, etc. costs an additional chunk of change on top of the $200. Here's a novel idea: how about not taking the $200 from me in the first place. It costs the government nothing if they just let me keep my money. I think the idea of me being taxed $230 (for example) just to get $200 back is pretty asinine, but then again, this is the type of thing governments seem to do and can't figure out why they run deficits.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Banning Criticism of Islam
What's next? Muslims trying to ban other religions? That notion is probably not too far from their sights since we all know how tolerant Islam is towards other religions and non believers. If the UN gives in to this heinous attack on free speech the flood gates will be open for these people to demand all sorts of things in the name of their religion.
Remembrance day just passed and I can't fathom how the veterans feel about this sort of thing. These guys fought and died so that I may make fun of what ever religion I want and for now at least it is my right to do so. Muslims continue to exploit our beliefs on rights and freedoms to drive their own twisted agenda and by doing so pull the rug right out from under us.
We allow them to speak and have their say, allow them special status, and every time we do so we lose a little more of our freedom while Islam moves one step closer to its goal of world domination and stamping out our way of life. Wake up and smell the coffee Western World. Take your politically correct blinders off and see what is happening.
This draconian proposal should be a deep insult to every free and modern thinking person living on this planet. Perhaps we should burn down a mosque or two? Riot in the streets perhaps? After all, when Muslims are insulted oh say by naming a teddy bear Mohammed, they cry death to all and riot in the streets why shouldn't we react in kind? Oh, yes, we are modern and civilized - I almost forgot - my apologies. Lest we wish to give up beer and have all women in Halloween costumes year round I suggest we speak up against these blatant attacks against our way of life.
What's next? Muslims trying to ban other religions? That notion is probably not too far from their sights since we all know how tolerant Islam is towards other religions and non believers. If the UN gives in to this heinous attack on free speech the flood gates will be open for these people to demand all sorts of things in the name of their religion.
Remembrance day just passed and I can't fathom how the veterans feel about this sort of thing. These guys fought and died so that I may make fun of what ever religion I want and for now at least it is my right to do so. Muslims continue to exploit our beliefs on rights and freedoms to drive their own twisted agenda and by doing so pull the rug right out from under us.
We allow them to speak and have their say, allow them special status, and every time we do so we lose a little more of our freedom while Islam moves one step closer to its goal of world domination and stamping out our way of life. Wake up and smell the coffee Western World. Take your politically correct blinders off and see what is happening.
This draconian proposal should be a deep insult to every free and modern thinking person living on this planet. Perhaps we should burn down a mosque or two? Riot in the streets perhaps? After all, when Muslims are insulted oh say by naming a teddy bear Mohammed, they cry death to all and riot in the streets why shouldn't we react in kind? Oh, yes, we are modern and civilized - I almost forgot - my apologies. Lest we wish to give up beer and have all women in Halloween costumes year round I suggest we speak up against these blatant attacks against our way of life.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Bad Immigrants!
Well...good to see we still have some politicians with half a working brain. I am a little surprised that the pamphlet uses the word "barbaric" to describe a religious practice - which is exactly what it is, however, I would expect an abundance of Muslims crying foul over that word and demand it be changed to something more politically correct and Muslim friendly. We can't make them upset now can we? We've all seen the rioting and violence Muslims like to dole out at the slightest affront to their version of the Great Fairy Tale. Though the article doesn't mention Islam, we can all read between the lines even if some of us are too politically correct to admit it.
Well...good to see we still have some politicians with half a working brain. I am a little surprised that the pamphlet uses the word "barbaric" to describe a religious practice - which is exactly what it is, however, I would expect an abundance of Muslims crying foul over that word and demand it be changed to something more politically correct and Muslim friendly. We can't make them upset now can we? We've all seen the rioting and violence Muslims like to dole out at the slightest affront to their version of the Great Fairy Tale. Though the article doesn't mention Islam, we can all read between the lines even if some of us are too politically correct to admit it.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
An email I received:
Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table
At which he's fed.
Tax his tractor,
Tax his mule,
Teach him taxes
Are the rule.
Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts
Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.
Tax his ties,
Tax his shirt,
Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.
Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.
Tax his cigars,
Tax his beers,
If he cries
Tax his tears.
Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass.
Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won't be done
Till he has no dough.
When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He's good and sore.
Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he's laid.
Put these words
Upon his tomb,
'Taxes drove me
To my doom...'
When he's gone,
Do not relax,
It's time to apply
The inheritance tax.
Accounts Receivable Tax
Airline surcharge tax
Airline Fuel Tax
Airport Maintenance Tax
Building Permit Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Death Tax
Dog License Tax
Driving Permit Tax
Enviromental Tax (Fee)
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment (UI)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Gasoline Tax (too much per litre)
Gross Receipts Tax
Health Tax
Hunting License Tax
Hydro Tax
Inheritance Tax
Interest Tax
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Mortgage Tax
Personal Income Tax
Property Tax
Poverty Tax
Prescription Drug Tax
Provincial Income Tax
Real Estate Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Retail Sales Tax
Service Charge Tax
School Tax
Telephone Federal Tax
Telephone Federal, Provincial and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Water Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was one
of the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middleclass, and Mom
stayed home to raise the kids.
What in the hell happened? Can you spell 'politicians?' And I still
have to 'press 1' for English!?!?!?!?
I hope this goes around CANADA at least 100 times!!!!! YOU can help
it get there!!!!
GO AHEAD - - - be a CANADIAN !!!!!!!!!!
Tax his land,
Tax his bed,
Tax the table
At which he's fed.
Tax his tractor,
Tax his mule,
Teach him taxes
Are the rule.
Tax his work,
Tax his pay,
He works for peanuts
Tax his cow,
Tax his goat,
Tax his pants,
Tax his coat.
Tax his ties,
Tax his shirt,
Tax his work,
Tax his dirt.
Tax his tobacco,
Tax his drink,
Tax him if he
Tries to think.
Tax his cigars,
Tax his beers,
If he cries
Tax his tears.
Tax his car,
Tax his gas,
Find other ways
To tax his ass.
Tax all he has
Then let him know
That you won't be done
Till he has no dough.
When he screams and hollers;
Then tax him some more,
Tax him till
He's good and sore.
Then tax his coffin,
Tax his grave,
Tax the sod in
Which he's laid.
Put these words
Upon his tomb,
'Taxes drove me
To my doom...'
When he's gone,
Do not relax,
It's time to apply
The inheritance tax.
Accounts Receivable Tax
Airline surcharge tax
Airline Fuel Tax
Airport Maintenance Tax
Building Permit Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Death Tax
Dog License Tax
Driving Permit Tax
Enviromental Tax (Fee)
Excise Taxes
Federal Income Tax
Federal Unemployment (UI)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Gasoline Tax (too much per litre)
Gross Receipts Tax
Health Tax
Hunting License Tax
Hydro Tax
Inheritance Tax
Interest Tax
Liquor Tax
Luxury Taxes
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Mortgage Tax
Personal Income Tax
Property Tax
Poverty Tax
Prescription Drug Tax
Provincial Income Tax
Real Estate Tax
Recreational Vehicle Tax
Retail Sales Tax
Service Charge Tax
School Tax
Telephone Federal Tax
Telephone Federal, Provincial and Local Surcharge Taxes
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Water Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was one
of the most prosperous in the world.
We had absolutely no national debt, had a large middleclass, and Mom
stayed home to raise the kids.
What in the hell happened? Can you spell 'politicians?' And I still
have to 'press 1' for English!?!?!?!?
I hope this goes around CANADA at least 100 times!!!!! YOU can help
it get there!!!!
GO AHEAD - - - be a CANADIAN !!!!!!!!!!
Monday, September 28, 2009
The Federal Liberals
are like herpes - they are not wanted and they just do not go away! Ignatieff, give up your pathetic and repulsive, self-serving interests. Canadians do not want an election in the middle of this economic mess. You and your party disgust me to no end.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Brutal Senior Beating
Come on people! They made an arrest in the outrageous beating of a Calgary senior. Nice. Great. I can rest at night now. Please, a lot of good that will do. One of the women, Renee Nicole Lemire, 21, of Turner Valley, had already been arrested for various crimes and was on probation when she brutally beat this lady. She was on probation! effective. Now a 92 year old woman lays in a hospital bed recovering from surgery all so Ms. Lemire can have her freedom and a second or tenth chance. Are you (pardon my French) fucking kidding me?
What deranged mind thought up the laws that allow for this innocent woman do be beaten at the expense of someone else's freedom? Especially after that person has already been arrested and convicted of other crimes. When are we going to stop pandering to the god-damned criminals? I live in Black Diamond, right next door to Turner Valley, and have half a mind to mosey on over there when this rank cow gets released and beat her senseless. Let's see how she likes to spend a few months recovering in hospital - if she does.
Ya, now you can throw me in jail for uttering threats against a low life, waste of skin - that seems to be the proper way of doing things around here. I know, I know - two wrongs don't make a right. Beating Ms. Lemire won't solve anything. Blah, blah, blah. Our current method of letting people like her out to victimize more innocent people is working so much better. Ya, let's stick with the status quo and hope it isn't our family member who ends up being the next victim of these troglodytes.
Come on people! They made an arrest in the outrageous beating of a Calgary senior. Nice. Great. I can rest at night now. Please, a lot of good that will do. One of the women, Renee Nicole Lemire, 21, of Turner Valley, had already been arrested for various crimes and was on probation when she brutally beat this lady. She was on probation! effective. Now a 92 year old woman lays in a hospital bed recovering from surgery all so Ms. Lemire can have her freedom and a second or tenth chance. Are you (pardon my French) fucking kidding me?
What deranged mind thought up the laws that allow for this innocent woman do be beaten at the expense of someone else's freedom? Especially after that person has already been arrested and convicted of other crimes. When are we going to stop pandering to the god-damned criminals? I live in Black Diamond, right next door to Turner Valley, and have half a mind to mosey on over there when this rank cow gets released and beat her senseless. Let's see how she likes to spend a few months recovering in hospital - if she does.
Ya, now you can throw me in jail for uttering threats against a low life, waste of skin - that seems to be the proper way of doing things around here. I know, I know - two wrongs don't make a right. Beating Ms. Lemire won't solve anything. Blah, blah, blah. Our current method of letting people like her out to victimize more innocent people is working so much better. Ya, let's stick with the status quo and hope it isn't our family member who ends up being the next victim of these troglodytes.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Conflict of Interest
Here's a question: why do we allow lawyers to become politicians to make the laws that they and their ilk will eventually practice? I challenge the Wild Rose Alliance to recognize this blatant conflict of interest and ban lawyers from being able to run for office. Lawyers should practice law - not make it.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Canada Should be Ashamed
I have always said that Canada's WWII vets should never want for anything. What these people did for the world is nothing short of incredible. I often shake my head at the fuss we make over a handful of soldiers that get killed in this "War on Terror" joke. These guys are having a cake walk compared to the almost forgotten soldiers of the worst war in history. The way Canada treats its WWII vets makes me sick - we should be ashamed - we should demand better. If it weren't for them I'd be writing this in German right now, come to think of it, I wouldn't be writing this at all!
We will more than likely never again know the brutal horrors that those men and women faced. The deplorable conditions they lived, fought and died in. Every last one of them should be living in peace and comfort right now, not fretting because they are being forced to move from their families to live out their final days. Our MPs make disgusting amounts of money, not to mention the other fraudulent sources of income and expense tricks I am sure many of them are involved in, and we treat our vets as if they are worthless bums. Way to go Canada.
I have always said that Canada's WWII vets should never want for anything. What these people did for the world is nothing short of incredible. I often shake my head at the fuss we make over a handful of soldiers that get killed in this "War on Terror" joke. These guys are having a cake walk compared to the almost forgotten soldiers of the worst war in history. The way Canada treats its WWII vets makes me sick - we should be ashamed - we should demand better. If it weren't for them I'd be writing this in German right now, come to think of it, I wouldn't be writing this at all!
We will more than likely never again know the brutal horrors that those men and women faced. The deplorable conditions they lived, fought and died in. Every last one of them should be living in peace and comfort right now, not fretting because they are being forced to move from their families to live out their final days. Our MPs make disgusting amounts of money, not to mention the other fraudulent sources of income and expense tricks I am sure many of them are involved in, and we treat our vets as if they are worthless bums. Way to go Canada.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
To Sue Those That Would Save You
What has this country come to? Does personal responsibility no longer exist? Where does this gross sense of entitlement come from? The link above is about a well publicised event that happened last winter whereby two grown adults made a choice of their own free will to ski in an area out of bounds and it was clearly marked as such might add.
They got themselves lost and during several days of being lost the man's wife died from he elements before finally being rescued. Now clearly this is everyone else's fault except for the two boneheads that decided to ignore the warnings and get themselves lost. I have yet to read anywhere in this politically correct country that calls this guy out and puts the blame squarely where it needs to be - Mr. Blackburn's shoulders. Poor Mr. Blackburn, woe is him, that poor man. Please. So now the lone survivor is suing everyone for failing to rescue his sorry ass in time to save his wife.
BC rescue teams are closing up shop because they do not have the insurance to deal with lawsuits from selfish, ignorant people like this guy. Look, Mr. Blackburn and people like you, you have absolutely no one to blame for your situation but yourself. How dare you sue the people that rescued you from your own stupidity? Having said that, it makes some sense to me as to why you are suing - stupidity.
You people need to accept responsibility for your actions and stop blaming everyone else and standing there with your hand out for some sort of 'owed' compensation. The good people of the Golden rescue team or anyone else for that matter does not need to put their lives at risk to save morons like you from your own bad choices.
This country needs to stop pandering to the likes of Mr. Blackburn and entertaining these sorts of lawsuits. Politicians jumping through hoops to make laws and spend tax dollars trying to save every last fool in this country from themselves is a gross waste of time and resources. If you are dumb enough to ignore clearly posted warning signs and get yourself into trouble then you can and should deal with the ramifications of your decisions - why is it society's fault and responsibility? Natural selction works for every other species on this planet, perhaps it is time humans give it a try.
What has this country come to? Does personal responsibility no longer exist? Where does this gross sense of entitlement come from? The link above is about a well publicised event that happened last winter whereby two grown adults made a choice of their own free will to ski in an area out of bounds and it was clearly marked as such might add.
They got themselves lost and during several days of being lost the man's wife died from he elements before finally being rescued. Now clearly this is everyone else's fault except for the two boneheads that decided to ignore the warnings and get themselves lost. I have yet to read anywhere in this politically correct country that calls this guy out and puts the blame squarely where it needs to be - Mr. Blackburn's shoulders. Poor Mr. Blackburn, woe is him, that poor man. Please. So now the lone survivor is suing everyone for failing to rescue his sorry ass in time to save his wife.
BC rescue teams are closing up shop because they do not have the insurance to deal with lawsuits from selfish, ignorant people like this guy. Look, Mr. Blackburn and people like you, you have absolutely no one to blame for your situation but yourself. How dare you sue the people that rescued you from your own stupidity? Having said that, it makes some sense to me as to why you are suing - stupidity.
You people need to accept responsibility for your actions and stop blaming everyone else and standing there with your hand out for some sort of 'owed' compensation. The good people of the Golden rescue team or anyone else for that matter does not need to put their lives at risk to save morons like you from your own bad choices.
This country needs to stop pandering to the likes of Mr. Blackburn and entertaining these sorts of lawsuits. Politicians jumping through hoops to make laws and spend tax dollars trying to save every last fool in this country from themselves is a gross waste of time and resources. If you are dumb enough to ignore clearly posted warning signs and get yourself into trouble then you can and should deal with the ramifications of your decisions - why is it society's fault and responsibility? Natural selction works for every other species on this planet, perhaps it is time humans give it a try.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Hey, Mr.Ignatieff!
The last poll I saw regarding the feelings of Canadians, you know, those people whom you are supposed to serve, about a summer election was 78% opposed to the idea. Do you think you and the other self-serving boneheads in that circus we call Parliament could for once listen to the people who pay your outrageous salaries, perks, and pensions and not force an election this year? Like any of you have a track record better than the PCs with governing this country. Give it a rest already. You are all incompetent, self-serving, thieves and liars and I for one do not feel like swapping one batch of you for another just yet.
Go Back Home Tamils
This was sent to me via email and although I said pretty much the very same thing a month ago I couldn't agree more. I love how these people come to live in what is arguably the best country on the planet and they disrupt our ways of life demanding that we fix the problems they left in their 'homeland'. You know what, Tamils, I'd love to see you go back to your home - please, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
I am completely pissed with this disruption by less than 3% of a city's population and every one a foreigner wanting the country they adopted to solve the problems of the country they left.
Round up every Tamil protester, provide transportation and send them back to "help out." Sort out your own mess. Don't blame the country you chose to live in because that country will not devote massive resources to your cause.
Go back home and speak out there against the atrocities that you see happening and help fight it from there. Sacrifice yourself, your sons, your daughters and your wealth, as little or as much as that might be. Put your money where your mouth is not our money and our families where your mouth is!!
Our ancestors stood up to carve out a way of living that we enjoy today. They did not go to your country, accept your hospitality then disrupt your way of life & demand you fix the injustices that they themselves would not address.
Accept responsibility for allowing your country to fall into the chaotic state it is in today!! Don't shirk your own part and think we will arbitrarily shoulder your social debts.
I will vote for any politician/political party with the gonads to stand up and put a stop to this foolishness.
Don Warnell
RCAF/1St Cdn Sigs Regiment/Airborne/4yrs attached to RCN east coast
I am completely pissed with this disruption by less than 3% of a city's population and every one a foreigner wanting the country they adopted to solve the problems of the country they left.
Round up every Tamil protester, provide transportation and send them back to "help out." Sort out your own mess. Don't blame the country you chose to live in because that country will not devote massive resources to your cause.
Go back home and speak out there against the atrocities that you see happening and help fight it from there. Sacrifice yourself, your sons, your daughters and your wealth, as little or as much as that might be. Put your money where your mouth is not our money and our families where your mouth is!!
Our ancestors stood up to carve out a way of living that we enjoy today. They did not go to your country, accept your hospitality then disrupt your way of life & demand you fix the injustices that they themselves would not address.
Accept responsibility for allowing your country to fall into the chaotic state it is in today!! Don't shirk your own part and think we will arbitrarily shoulder your social debts.
I will vote for any politician/political party with the gonads to stand up and put a stop to this foolishness.
Don Warnell
RCAF/1St Cdn Sigs Regiment/Airborne/4yrs attached to RCN east coast
Thursday, June 11, 2009
A Letter to Mr. Harper
This was sent to me via email and I thought it was a rather good idea, albeit a little far fetched. I am not sure the Canadian government has $20,000,000,000,000 to hand out. That's 20 trillion for those that can't fathom all those zeros ;-)
Dear Mr. Harper,
Please find below my suggestion for fixing Canada's economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to banks and car companies, that will squander
the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan:
There are about 20 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:
1) They MUST retire. Twenty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
2) They MUST buy a new Canadian CAR. Twenty million cars ordered -
Auto Industry fixed.
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing
Crisis fixed.
4) They must send their kids to school / college /university - Crime
rate fixed
5) Buy $50 of alcohol / tobacco / petrol a week... there's your money
back in duty / tax etc
It can't get any easier than that!
Dear Mr. Harper,
Please find below my suggestion for fixing Canada's economy. Instead of giving billions of dollars to banks and car companies, that will squander
the money on lavish parties and unearned bonuses, use the following plan:
There are about 20 million people over 50 in the work force. Pay them $1 million apiece severance for early retirement with the following stipulations:
1) They MUST retire. Twenty million job openings - Unemployment fixed.
2) They MUST buy a new Canadian CAR. Twenty million cars ordered -
Auto Industry fixed.
3) They MUST either buy a house or pay off their mortgage - Housing
Crisis fixed.
4) They must send their kids to school / college /university - Crime
rate fixed
5) Buy $50 of alcohol / tobacco / petrol a week... there's your money
back in duty / tax etc
It can't get any easier than that!
Monday, June 8, 2009
An Alternative?
Wild Rose Alliance
I didn't even know these guys existed until I read a book recently called Alberta: Separatism Then and Now. An insightful book and I highly recommend reading it for those of you interested in how brutally Alberta has been treated as part of Canada.
The book mentioned the Wild Rose Alliance so I thought I'd mosey on over to the site and check it out. They have some nice things to say and it is a refreshing change from the current crap we have and I am referring to Stelmach and the rest of the morons in the Legislature. However, I am so jaded by politicians how do we know these guys are going to be any different from the self-serving and greedy lot that we already deal with? I am very skeptical.
Stephen Harper used to be very pro-Alberta. In fact, here are some quotes by Stephen Harper from Alberta: Separatism Then and Now:
"In the stale air of politics, what Canada really requires is the sweeping winds of change. This will challenge the vested interests of the National Policy, the Welfare State, and the Quebec question, and they will resist. In the end, however, these groups will have to cast aside their narrow definitions of Canada - the country they claim to love - because that country can no longer be built on the economic exploitation and political disenfranchisement of western Canada. In the meantime, we require a political party to put pursuit of the West's agenda at the top of the list. This must be a party willing to end central control and special interest politics in its own ranks."
"the government in Ottawa will be tempted to take advantage of Alberta's prosperity, to redistribute income from Alberta to residents of other provinces in order to keep itself in power. It is imperative to take the initiative, to build firewalls around Alberta, to limit the extent to which an aggressive and hostile federal government can encroach upon legitimate provincial jurisdiction."
Well, Mr. Harper...funny how you abandoned these thoughts only to keep your sorry ass in power and this is exactly what worries me about any and every politician and the point of sharing the quotes. Stephen Harper also helped get this going. Pround Albertan my ass. Self-serving politician is more fitting. These people say one thing, get elected, and then start running their own show. Is the Wild Rose Alliance any different? Based on the past track record of politicians and their parties, I am going to say no.
I don't vote provincially because we always go PC out here, but I will now be throwing a vote behind the Wild Rose Alliance from now on, for at least on paper, they offer a hell of a lot more than the PC's when it comes to looking out for the interests of Alberta. If they were to lead this province perhaps things will get a little better for Alberta in this mess of a country we call Canada, but I am not banking on it, afterall, they are politicians too.
I didn't even know these guys existed until I read a book recently called Alberta: Separatism Then and Now. An insightful book and I highly recommend reading it for those of you interested in how brutally Alberta has been treated as part of Canada.
The book mentioned the Wild Rose Alliance so I thought I'd mosey on over to the site and check it out. They have some nice things to say and it is a refreshing change from the current crap we have and I am referring to Stelmach and the rest of the morons in the Legislature. However, I am so jaded by politicians how do we know these guys are going to be any different from the self-serving and greedy lot that we already deal with? I am very skeptical.
Stephen Harper used to be very pro-Alberta. In fact, here are some quotes by Stephen Harper from Alberta: Separatism Then and Now:
"In the stale air of politics, what Canada really requires is the sweeping winds of change. This will challenge the vested interests of the National Policy, the Welfare State, and the Quebec question, and they will resist. In the end, however, these groups will have to cast aside their narrow definitions of Canada - the country they claim to love - because that country can no longer be built on the economic exploitation and political disenfranchisement of western Canada. In the meantime, we require a political party to put pursuit of the West's agenda at the top of the list. This must be a party willing to end central control and special interest politics in its own ranks."
"the government in Ottawa will be tempted to take advantage of Alberta's prosperity, to redistribute income from Alberta to residents of other provinces in order to keep itself in power. It is imperative to take the initiative, to build firewalls around Alberta, to limit the extent to which an aggressive and hostile federal government can encroach upon legitimate provincial jurisdiction."
Well, Mr. Harper...funny how you abandoned these thoughts only to keep your sorry ass in power and this is exactly what worries me about any and every politician and the point of sharing the quotes. Stephen Harper also helped get this going. Pround Albertan my ass. Self-serving politician is more fitting. These people say one thing, get elected, and then start running their own show. Is the Wild Rose Alliance any different? Based on the past track record of politicians and their parties, I am going to say no.
I don't vote provincially because we always go PC out here, but I will now be throwing a vote behind the Wild Rose Alliance from now on, for at least on paper, they offer a hell of a lot more than the PC's when it comes to looking out for the interests of Alberta. If they were to lead this province perhaps things will get a little better for Alberta in this mess of a country we call Canada, but I am not banking on it, afterall, they are politicians too.
How About Some Jail Time?
Nice. Another public official squandering away our money. We need to make a law that allows for jail time when a public official wastes money like this instead of just allowing them to 'step down'. Disgusting. It is high time public officals be held accountable for their actions and I don't mean having them lose their jobs with a sweet severance - I mean jail time and possibly reparations.
Nice. Another public official squandering away our money. We need to make a law that allows for jail time when a public official wastes money like this instead of just allowing them to 'step down'. Disgusting. It is high time public officals be held accountable for their actions and I don't mean having them lose their jobs with a sweet severance - I mean jail time and possibly reparations.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Alberta Agenda
I saw a billboard adverstising the Alberta Agenda on the side of the highway while driving to Calgary the other day. I thought I'd check it out and while they don't support leaving Canada they do, at least, support more power for Alberta.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Harper Fails to Unite Canada
Well Mr.Ignatieff, perhaps "Canadians" do not want to be united. Perhaps this pipe dream of yours and others like you is more of a self serving vision for your own sorry careers than it is for the good of the people who live on this large chunk of land. When are you people going to realize than human beings cannot tolerate differences at a societal level. We have never been able to and we aren't about to start. Sure, individuals can have a myriad of diverse friends, but when it comes to societies as a whole - not going to happen. Canada is too diverse to be united happily and fairly under one government (and getting worse thanks to our lax immigration policies) and the sooner you people realize that the sooner Alberta can distance itself from those of you that are hell bent cramming us all together for some lofty, politically correct, warm and fuzzy "Canadian" ideal.
Well Mr.Ignatieff, perhaps "Canadians" do not want to be united. Perhaps this pipe dream of yours and others like you is more of a self serving vision for your own sorry careers than it is for the good of the people who live on this large chunk of land. When are you people going to realize than human beings cannot tolerate differences at a societal level. We have never been able to and we aren't about to start. Sure, individuals can have a myriad of diverse friends, but when it comes to societies as a whole - not going to happen. Canada is too diverse to be united happily and fairly under one government (and getting worse thanks to our lax immigration policies) and the sooner you people realize that the sooner Alberta can distance itself from those of you that are hell bent cramming us all together for some lofty, politically correct, warm and fuzzy "Canadian" ideal.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Extreme Crime Spree
Ya? So what. As per usual, we are victimized and then the cops come to our aid - nice. He'll get a slap on the bottom and he'll be out victimizing more people. Can some one please tell me why these criminals seem to have the right to continue to commit crimes against innocent, decent people and we are forced to endure it. I have read time and time again where these morons have RAP sheets listing dozens upon dozens of crimes and they just keep on keepin' on. Things need to change.
Ya? So what. As per usual, we are victimized and then the cops come to our aid - nice. He'll get a slap on the bottom and he'll be out victimizing more people. Can some one please tell me why these criminals seem to have the right to continue to commit crimes against innocent, decent people and we are forced to endure it. I have read time and time again where these morons have RAP sheets listing dozens upon dozens of crimes and they just keep on keepin' on. Things need to change.
Monday, April 20, 2009
$52,000 a free.
I was at the bank today paying an additional $700 in tax on top of the grotesque sum of money I have already paid this year and I see an article like this when I get home.
I was at the bank today paying an additional $700 in tax on top of the grotesque sum of money I have already paid this year and I see an article like this when I get home.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Albertans Worth Less
It is good to know that as a Canadian living in Alberta I am worth $200 less than a Canadian living in Ontario or any other province. Yet another reason Alberta needs to leave Canada.
It is good to know that as a Canadian living in Alberta I am worth $200 less than a Canadian living in Ontario or any other province. Yet another reason Alberta needs to leave Canada.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Good for Brian Knight
Reading through some of the comments at the bottom of the article just astounded me as to the stupidity of many. Here is a man being robbed and victimized by a bunch of animals who was merely protecting himself and his property. Our right to protect ourselves has been taken away and placed in the hands of the state which basically means you can do nothing until the crime has been committed and then the state will attempt to find who did it so a paltry slap on the wrist can be delivered.
I have a nifty idea for all of you who are denouncing Brian and his actions: WHY DON'T YOU GET ANGRY AT THE DAMN CRIMINALS! Why are you up in arms about Brian? He was doing nothing wrong, enjoying his right to his life and property when along came three losers deciding that Brian's belongings were theirs . These morons were in the wrong not Brian. It is simple, you have NO right to go on another person's land and steal their property. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT. I don't care what you are smoking, how bad you childhood was or what ever other pitiful excuse you can come up with. If you don't want to get shot then simply don't go on another person's land and steal their things. YOU CAN'T DO THAT!
I believe we all have a natural right to be able to protect ourselves and our property. I am so disgusted that society has chosen to give up this right and place our protection in the hands of the state. Do you really think that you could dial 911 and have the police show up to save you if someone broke into your house, shot you, and made off with your TV? Please. The state lets you become victimized and then they attempt to catch the person. I am sorry, I subscribe to the idea of NOT becoming a victim.
Recently, a lady in Calgary called 911 about someone breaking into her house. The police showed up 45 minutes later. Disgusting. So, in order to protect criminals from being shot by their would be victim, this lady's right to to protect herself has been taken from her in favor of the criminal's right to victimize and commit crime. This lady could have been raped and murdered but that is OK just so long s the asshole committing the crime isn't hurt. Please. You can disagree with me all you want but the reality is that the state cannot and is not protecting us from crime. They merely deal with cleaning it up after it happens. That is not acceptable to me and obviously not to Brian and those supporting him.
Good job, Brian. I would have done the same thing.
Here is a link for those wishing to send a bit of cash Brian's way to help cover his legal costs: Donate
Reading through some of the comments at the bottom of the article just astounded me as to the stupidity of many. Here is a man being robbed and victimized by a bunch of animals who was merely protecting himself and his property. Our right to protect ourselves has been taken away and placed in the hands of the state which basically means you can do nothing until the crime has been committed and then the state will attempt to find who did it so a paltry slap on the wrist can be delivered.
I have a nifty idea for all of you who are denouncing Brian and his actions: WHY DON'T YOU GET ANGRY AT THE DAMN CRIMINALS! Why are you up in arms about Brian? He was doing nothing wrong, enjoying his right to his life and property when along came three losers deciding that Brian's belongings were theirs . These morons were in the wrong not Brian. It is simple, you have NO right to go on another person's land and steal their property. YOU HAVE NO RIGHT. I don't care what you are smoking, how bad you childhood was or what ever other pitiful excuse you can come up with. If you don't want to get shot then simply don't go on another person's land and steal their things. YOU CAN'T DO THAT!
I believe we all have a natural right to be able to protect ourselves and our property. I am so disgusted that society has chosen to give up this right and place our protection in the hands of the state. Do you really think that you could dial 911 and have the police show up to save you if someone broke into your house, shot you, and made off with your TV? Please. The state lets you become victimized and then they attempt to catch the person. I am sorry, I subscribe to the idea of NOT becoming a victim.
Recently, a lady in Calgary called 911 about someone breaking into her house. The police showed up 45 minutes later. Disgusting. So, in order to protect criminals from being shot by their would be victim, this lady's right to to protect herself has been taken from her in favor of the criminal's right to victimize and commit crime. This lady could have been raped and murdered but that is OK just so long s the asshole committing the crime isn't hurt. Please. You can disagree with me all you want but the reality is that the state cannot and is not protecting us from crime. They merely deal with cleaning it up after it happens. That is not acceptable to me and obviously not to Brian and those supporting him.
Good job, Brian. I would have done the same thing.
Here is a link for those wishing to send a bit of cash Brian's way to help cover his legal costs: Donate
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Right to Bare Arms
Perhaps because I am an art nude photographer my standards are a little more relaxed than most of the people around here, but are you kidding me? Is this some sort of joke? Is it April 1st yet? Sometimes I just shake my head in utter disbelief at how incredibly petty people are.
Perhaps because I am an art nude photographer my standards are a little more relaxed than most of the people around here, but are you kidding me? Is this some sort of joke? Is it April 1st yet? Sometimes I just shake my head in utter disbelief at how incredibly petty people are.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
White Supremacists in Calgary
Yet another group out to tell the world about their cause. Fine and dandy. I have no problem with it. It is your right and I support that right. The police were doing their job and they did a fine one. One thing I did find amusing was what you protesters were shouting to police, "Stop protecting racists".
What you are failing to understand is that the police weren't protecting racists inasmuch as they are racists, they were protecting their right to their opinion and the right to express that opinion. The very same right afforded to you which allowed you to protest in the first place.
Look, people, you can't have it both ways. If you allow free speech and free thought, such as your own, then you simply must allow speech and thought that you don't agree with - that is how this whole freedom thing works.
I think you made yourselves out to look like a bunch of fools (both groups), but, hey, that your right. The day protestors like you ever succeed in stopping groups that you might not like from expressing their opinions will be a very sad day indeed. For your sake, I hope some one doesn't come along one day and stop you from having your beliefs and the ability to express them. And that is exactly what would happen if you stopped the white supremists. I am sure you are all very inteligent people and you believe you are entitled to speak for us all, but let me asure you that I can speak for myself and I would like to continue to be able to do just that - whether you like it or not.
Yet another group out to tell the world about their cause. Fine and dandy. I have no problem with it. It is your right and I support that right. The police were doing their job and they did a fine one. One thing I did find amusing was what you protesters were shouting to police, "Stop protecting racists".
What you are failing to understand is that the police weren't protecting racists inasmuch as they are racists, they were protecting their right to their opinion and the right to express that opinion. The very same right afforded to you which allowed you to protest in the first place.
Look, people, you can't have it both ways. If you allow free speech and free thought, such as your own, then you simply must allow speech and thought that you don't agree with - that is how this whole freedom thing works.
I think you made yourselves out to look like a bunch of fools (both groups), but, hey, that your right. The day protestors like you ever succeed in stopping groups that you might not like from expressing their opinions will be a very sad day indeed. For your sake, I hope some one doesn't come along one day and stop you from having your beliefs and the ability to express them. And that is exactly what would happen if you stopped the white supremists. I am sure you are all very inteligent people and you believe you are entitled to speak for us all, but let me asure you that I can speak for myself and I would like to continue to be able to do just that - whether you like it or not.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Freedom & Religion
"ur just a ignornat whtie son of a bitch that needs to b bheaded wid a blunt knife"
"i cannot fucking wait until you die (which will be probably soon) and stand before your creator. I bet that would scare ur little gay accent right out of you. I am 100% sure ur gay. Just by the way u look."
"Fuck you old bastard watch out buddy cause am coming we have lots of people where you live jihad is declared on you bitch you dont ever insult islam or prophet muhammad(pbuh) sorry old bastard but i hope you had a fun time on earth cause your going to hell with the christians jews and athiest"
"Listen fucker you Disrespect our religion and our women who are modest unlike your’e crap society here fucker I wish you could meet my fist and my foot and my pistol and then talk"
This post has nothing to do with Alberta and our freedom from Canada, but deals with freedom nonetheless - a subject I am very interested in. I now frequent Pat Condell's website for a refreshing break from all the politically correct, minority pandering I hear or read about every day. He is in the UK where their problems are far greater than ours, but I can imagine we are not far behind. Toronto and Vancouver will be the sparks that will ignite our future grief.
You may be wondering what those pleasantries at the beginning of this post are. They are from Pat's feedback section on his website. The authors of these comments do not seem to grasp the fact that Mr. Condell does not have issues with many of the religions on this planet because they don't respond to criticism with threats of death, raping family members, etc. Mr. Condell has repeatedly stated that he has no problems with any religion so long as the followers keep it to themselves - something that radical Muslims seem to have a hard time doing.
These people, radical Muslims, don't seem to grasp the idea that there are those of us that do not like the idea of being forced to what others think we should be doing. Muslims blast (literally), threaten, and criticize non-believers all the time yet one does not see 'us' hurling threats of violence and death in retort. It seems to be perfectly fine that a Muslim who has been offended can threaten with murder, but it is completely unacceptable and a crime for 'us' to do the same. We, rational people, would never threaten someone with death and the rape of their children for merely disagreeing with their beliefs. They hurl these wicked words around because it is perfectly acceptable and encouraged in their religion. And you non-believers out there that support these poor, picked on, hard-done-by Muslims need to get your heads out of your collective ass and realize them for what they are and what they are doing before you end up with a beard, a burka, or dead.
These radical Muslims are, as Pat indicates, mentally ill. No sane, rational human being would throw a murderous temper tantrum because they did not get their way. These people are insane. Pat's videos clearly explain his points of view, however, these people simply refuse to actually listen to his words and hear what he is saying. Pat, nor I, nor the other 'non-believers' in the world expect these nut cases to actually pick up what we are putting down. All we are asking is that they acknowledge our right to our opinions and we will do the same for them. Unfortunately, rights and freedoms do not exist with Muslims and I am OK with that. If that is how they choose to live their lives then have at 'er, just do not expect me to do the same.
We aren't about eradicating religion. We are about the freedom to choose. The concept of live and let live. These Muslims are against those concepts therefore we are against them. Should they ever choose to go on quietly burying their faces in the dirt and leave everyone else alone they would never hear a peep from us. Why don't they seem to get that? Because they don't want to. They want control of everyone and everything and will not stop until they have it. These people can not be reasoned with because they are not reasonable.
I encourage you to read some of the comments made by these animals -they are quite appalling. I can't fathom how a 'normal' person could react to another person's opinions with such lunacy. The again, as Pat and others frequently state, these people are mentally ill. Should anyone take offense to my posts let me be clear on this concept:
Thus far, I have the guaranteed, protected, constitutional right to my opinion (although that right is slowly being taken away). There is, however, no such right to not be offended. Stated another way, I can legally express my opinion and if you don't like it, well, it sucks to be you - deal with it. There are, however, people working very hard to reverse this fact and they are succeeding.
I find it funny that we stood up against the brutal control of the Third Reich to protect our freedoms they so desperately tried to remove from us, but we aren't willing to do the same against radical Islam. There is no fundamental difference between the two other than Muslims are hiding behind religion, which is a protected right in the civilized world, and Hitler was just regular old mad man out to rule the world.
There is no fundamental difference between being forced to say "Heil Hitler" or "Praise be to Allah". We had to stop Hitler, but these Muslims, out to do the very same thing, are protected under freedom of religion - the very freedoms we give them when in our society and the ones they are trying to take from us - from justly being wiped out. Do you not see that the radical Muslims are using our own strengths against us to slowly gain their ways over ours? For crying out loud, it is becoming taboo, if not soon to be a crime, to say "Merry Christmas" in this country! Take a peek at some of Pat's videos. Perhaps he can help you see a little more clearly if you don't already - I am not betting on it though.
"i cannot fucking wait until you die (which will be probably soon) and stand before your creator. I bet that would scare ur little gay accent right out of you. I am 100% sure ur gay. Just by the way u look."
"Fuck you old bastard watch out buddy cause am coming we have lots of people where you live jihad is declared on you bitch you dont ever insult islam or prophet muhammad(pbuh) sorry old bastard but i hope you had a fun time on earth cause your going to hell with the christians jews and athiest"
"Listen fucker you Disrespect our religion and our women who are modest unlike your’e crap society here fucker I wish you could meet my fist and my foot and my pistol and then talk"
This post has nothing to do with Alberta and our freedom from Canada, but deals with freedom nonetheless - a subject I am very interested in. I now frequent Pat Condell's website for a refreshing break from all the politically correct, minority pandering I hear or read about every day. He is in the UK where their problems are far greater than ours, but I can imagine we are not far behind. Toronto and Vancouver will be the sparks that will ignite our future grief.
You may be wondering what those pleasantries at the beginning of this post are. They are from Pat's feedback section on his website. The authors of these comments do not seem to grasp the fact that Mr. Condell does not have issues with many of the religions on this planet because they don't respond to criticism with threats of death, raping family members, etc. Mr. Condell has repeatedly stated that he has no problems with any religion so long as the followers keep it to themselves - something that radical Muslims seem to have a hard time doing.
These people, radical Muslims, don't seem to grasp the idea that there are those of us that do not like the idea of being forced to what others think we should be doing. Muslims blast (literally), threaten, and criticize non-believers all the time yet one does not see 'us' hurling threats of violence and death in retort. It seems to be perfectly fine that a Muslim who has been offended can threaten with murder, but it is completely unacceptable and a crime for 'us' to do the same. We, rational people, would never threaten someone with death and the rape of their children for merely disagreeing with their beliefs. They hurl these wicked words around because it is perfectly acceptable and encouraged in their religion. And you non-believers out there that support these poor, picked on, hard-done-by Muslims need to get your heads out of your collective ass and realize them for what they are and what they are doing before you end up with a beard, a burka, or dead.
These radical Muslims are, as Pat indicates, mentally ill. No sane, rational human being would throw a murderous temper tantrum because they did not get their way. These people are insane. Pat's videos clearly explain his points of view, however, these people simply refuse to actually listen to his words and hear what he is saying. Pat, nor I, nor the other 'non-believers' in the world expect these nut cases to actually pick up what we are putting down. All we are asking is that they acknowledge our right to our opinions and we will do the same for them. Unfortunately, rights and freedoms do not exist with Muslims and I am OK with that. If that is how they choose to live their lives then have at 'er, just do not expect me to do the same.
We aren't about eradicating religion. We are about the freedom to choose. The concept of live and let live. These Muslims are against those concepts therefore we are against them. Should they ever choose to go on quietly burying their faces in the dirt and leave everyone else alone they would never hear a peep from us. Why don't they seem to get that? Because they don't want to. They want control of everyone and everything and will not stop until they have it. These people can not be reasoned with because they are not reasonable.
I encourage you to read some of the comments made by these animals -they are quite appalling. I can't fathom how a 'normal' person could react to another person's opinions with such lunacy. The again, as Pat and others frequently state, these people are mentally ill. Should anyone take offense to my posts let me be clear on this concept:
Thus far, I have the guaranteed, protected, constitutional right to my opinion (although that right is slowly being taken away). There is, however, no such right to not be offended. Stated another way, I can legally express my opinion and if you don't like it, well, it sucks to be you - deal with it. There are, however, people working very hard to reverse this fact and they are succeeding.
I find it funny that we stood up against the brutal control of the Third Reich to protect our freedoms they so desperately tried to remove from us, but we aren't willing to do the same against radical Islam. There is no fundamental difference between the two other than Muslims are hiding behind religion, which is a protected right in the civilized world, and Hitler was just regular old mad man out to rule the world.
There is no fundamental difference between being forced to say "Heil Hitler" or "Praise be to Allah". We had to stop Hitler, but these Muslims, out to do the very same thing, are protected under freedom of religion - the very freedoms we give them when in our society and the ones they are trying to take from us - from justly being wiped out. Do you not see that the radical Muslims are using our own strengths against us to slowly gain their ways over ours? For crying out loud, it is becoming taboo, if not soon to be a crime, to say "Merry Christmas" in this country! Take a peek at some of Pat's videos. Perhaps he can help you see a little more clearly if you don't already - I am not betting on it though.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Eight Steps To Destroy...
I thought this was an interesting little read. Substitute 'Canada' for 'America' and we are in a very similar situation. Are we, the people, ever, ever going to learn from history or is each generation going to continue to think they are infinitely more evolved than the one before them?
Eight Steps To Destroy America
Eight Steps To Destroy America
Monday, March 9, 2009
I was forwarded some video clips from a friend and I thought I would pass them along. These are from a British character named, Pat Condell. I unequivocally agree with many of his statements regarding freedom and religion. I am quite surprised he hasn't been shot yet :-)
Click Here
Click Here
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Less Federal Government
Perhaps the idea of all-out succession from Canada is an impossible dream given many Albertan's irrational devotion to this country. Maybe what is needed is to give more power, a lot more power, to the provinces. By allowing each province greater authority to govern themselves within the unique contexts of each province, this country would be a greater success. I would argue though what would then really be the point of still being a country?
I propose that the federal government's jusrisdiction be limited to the following items and all other matters be left up to the individual provinces:
-Postal service
-Military & national defence
-Census and statistics
-Navigtation & shipping
-Weights & measures
-Patents and copyrights
-Criminal law with the sentences left up to the provinces. I would like to see the death penalty returned for certain crimes. If the rest of Canada doesn't support the death penalty but Alberta does why should we not be able to deal with the crimes that are committed in our province the way we see fit? If Ontario wants to use their tax payer money to keep a serial murderer in prison for life then so be it. I would rather hang the SOB and use the saved money to deal with the homeless problem for example.
-Taxation as it relates to generating monies for the admistration of the above items
This list is just off the top of my head and may not encompass all matters, but it is the idea that I am getting at. A much more streamlined and efficient federal government whose sole purpose is to deal with things that impact the country as a whole. All other items should be left to the provinces so they my be dealt with according to the individual differences of the provinces instead of lumping us all under one roof.
Perhaps each province could send delegates to this federal government and eliminate the need for federal elections and political parties at the federal level. The federal government would almost become a committee of sorts whereby the provinces deal with the matters of the whole and all other matters would be dealt with provincially. Perhaps a Candian Union as it were. Yes, a Canadian Union is a much, much better solution - at least to the current one. Canada as it sits now is failing in my opinion.
I propose that the federal government's jusrisdiction be limited to the following items and all other matters be left up to the individual provinces:
-Postal service
-Military & national defence
-Census and statistics
-Navigtation & shipping
-Weights & measures
-Patents and copyrights
-Criminal law with the sentences left up to the provinces. I would like to see the death penalty returned for certain crimes. If the rest of Canada doesn't support the death penalty but Alberta does why should we not be able to deal with the crimes that are committed in our province the way we see fit? If Ontario wants to use their tax payer money to keep a serial murderer in prison for life then so be it. I would rather hang the SOB and use the saved money to deal with the homeless problem for example.
-Taxation as it relates to generating monies for the admistration of the above items
This list is just off the top of my head and may not encompass all matters, but it is the idea that I am getting at. A much more streamlined and efficient federal government whose sole purpose is to deal with things that impact the country as a whole. All other items should be left to the provinces so they my be dealt with according to the individual differences of the provinces instead of lumping us all under one roof.
Perhaps each province could send delegates to this federal government and eliminate the need for federal elections and political parties at the federal level. The federal government would almost become a committee of sorts whereby the provinces deal with the matters of the whole and all other matters would be dealt with provincially. Perhaps a Candian Union as it were. Yes, a Canadian Union is a much, much better solution - at least to the current one. Canada as it sits now is failing in my opinion.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Quebec Whines and Wins Again
Article in question
Unreal. When is Quebec going to realize that the British won. We have the Queen of England on our money. The French lost - deal with it already. I suppose they are never going to accept the fact that Canada is a member of the British Commonwealth. I don't remember Canada being part of the "French Commonwealth". Why Britain didn't kick France out of North America after they won is beyond me. Now look at what we have to deal with.
Beyond the history of this English country, once again, Quebec whines and cries about its rights and its special status and prevents the re-enactment of a very important part of Canadian history because it is "offensive" to Quebecers. One province out of ten and three territories and they get their way yet again. Is it ever going to be enough for these people? We already allow a Quebec sovereigntist party as a member of the federal government - Her Majesty's government, I might add. Most of our Prime Ministers and/or Leaders of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in recent history were French. Seriously, if you people don't like Canada - LEAVE. Please. I could use some of the millions Alberta will save in transfer payments to your sorry province.
Stop trying to change Canada for your benefit - this is not a French country. Just leave Confederation and see how well you do on your own. And, you can forget this idea of a "Sovereignty Association" or whatever fancy semantics you want to throw at us to try and extort a living off of the rest of the country. Not that anything would be any different that it is now and I can imagine you would still be whining about something.
Unreal. When is Quebec going to realize that the British won. We have the Queen of England on our money. The French lost - deal with it already. I suppose they are never going to accept the fact that Canada is a member of the British Commonwealth. I don't remember Canada being part of the "French Commonwealth". Why Britain didn't kick France out of North America after they won is beyond me. Now look at what we have to deal with.
Beyond the history of this English country, once again, Quebec whines and cries about its rights and its special status and prevents the re-enactment of a very important part of Canadian history because it is "offensive" to Quebecers. One province out of ten and three territories and they get their way yet again. Is it ever going to be enough for these people? We already allow a Quebec sovereigntist party as a member of the federal government - Her Majesty's government, I might add. Most of our Prime Ministers and/or Leaders of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in recent history were French. Seriously, if you people don't like Canada - LEAVE. Please. I could use some of the millions Alberta will save in transfer payments to your sorry province.
Stop trying to change Canada for your benefit - this is not a French country. Just leave Confederation and see how well you do on your own. And, you can forget this idea of a "Sovereignty Association" or whatever fancy semantics you want to throw at us to try and extort a living off of the rest of the country. Not that anything would be any different that it is now and I can imagine you would still be whining about something.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
The Status Quo
I talk to many Albertans about my frustration of being part of Canadian Federation and more often than not the reply I receive is "that's just the way it is". Huh? "That's just the way it is?" I am appalled buy the apathy many Albertans have towards the way we are treated by the federal government.
People think there is nothing we can do about it and for those that do believe there is a way, spout the usual drivel about having a say on election day. Please. We already know the outcome of an election even before votes are tallied from Alberta - we literally have no say. The current Prime Minister is not French for a nice change - even from Calgary - and has anything changed for us? Nope. Nada. Mr. Harper is too busy pandering to the East to ensure his cushy job.
Canadians need to face the facts. And the facts are this: there are too many diverse people, languages, economies, and cultures in this country to be ruled fairly and efficiently under one entity. There is no benefit for Alberta to be part of this country. We give far more to the country than we receive. People ask 'why separate?'and I pose the much harder-to-answer question of 'why stay?'. I have not ever received a convincing reason from anyone as to why Alberta benefits from being part of Canada. I'll throw out some reasons why Alberta should leave Canada and the provinces that leech off us:
-From 1961 to 2002, the federal government has stolen $243 billion from our province. This works out to $105,405 from each and every Albertan for the privilege of being Canadian and with nothing received in return. That money was simply removed from Alberta to spread to the other provinces to create 'equality'.*
-Since 1999, Alberta is the only province with no net debt. We have no power to alter spending policies by the federal government which are responsible for the massive Canadian debt. Albertans have none.*
-Canada has the fifth highest personal taxes in the OECD.*
-Alberta has the lowest corporate and personal taxes in Canada.*
-Alberta is the only province with flat personal taxes.*
-Alberta is the only province with no general retail sales tax.*
-Since 1968, only the 2005 federal election was swayed due to Alberta votes. We have barely made a difference in the outcome of the federal government in the past 38 years. We simply do not have the population and representation for politicians to bother concerning themselves with the Alberta electorate.*
-Properly dealing the recent gun violence in Alberta is completely out of our hands as the laws to deal with the crimes come from the federal government. It is great to see the $1,000,000,000 (yes, nine zeros!) Firearms Registry is working so well to prevent these crimes.
I could go on listing reasons we should leave Canada - there are many. Can some one please give me a viable reason, just one, that trumps all that I have listed as a compelling reason to be part of this country? And, no, I won't take some patriotic, rhetorical drivel as a valid and sane reason for allowing Ottawa to run roughshod over our province.
People think there is nothing we can do about it and for those that do believe there is a way, spout the usual drivel about having a say on election day. Please. We already know the outcome of an election even before votes are tallied from Alberta - we literally have no say. The current Prime Minister is not French for a nice change - even from Calgary - and has anything changed for us? Nope. Nada. Mr. Harper is too busy pandering to the East to ensure his cushy job.
Canadians need to face the facts. And the facts are this: there are too many diverse people, languages, economies, and cultures in this country to be ruled fairly and efficiently under one entity. There is no benefit for Alberta to be part of this country. We give far more to the country than we receive. People ask 'why separate?'and I pose the much harder-to-answer question of 'why stay?'. I have not ever received a convincing reason from anyone as to why Alberta benefits from being part of Canada. I'll throw out some reasons why Alberta should leave Canada and the provinces that leech off us:
-From 1961 to 2002, the federal government has stolen $243 billion from our province. This works out to $105,405 from each and every Albertan for the privilege of being Canadian and with nothing received in return. That money was simply removed from Alberta to spread to the other provinces to create 'equality'.*
-Since 1999, Alberta is the only province with no net debt. We have no power to alter spending policies by the federal government which are responsible for the massive Canadian debt. Albertans have none.*
-Canada has the fifth highest personal taxes in the OECD.*
-Alberta has the lowest corporate and personal taxes in Canada.*
-Alberta is the only province with flat personal taxes.*
-Alberta is the only province with no general retail sales tax.*
-Since 1968, only the 2005 federal election was swayed due to Alberta votes. We have barely made a difference in the outcome of the federal government in the past 38 years. We simply do not have the population and representation for politicians to bother concerning themselves with the Alberta electorate.*
-Properly dealing the recent gun violence in Alberta is completely out of our hands as the laws to deal with the crimes come from the federal government. It is great to see the $1,000,000,000 (yes, nine zeros!) Firearms Registry is working so well to prevent these crimes.
I could go on listing reasons we should leave Canada - there are many. Can some one please give me a viable reason, just one, that trumps all that I have listed as a compelling reason to be part of this country? And, no, I won't take some patriotic, rhetorical drivel as a valid and sane reason for allowing Ottawa to run roughshod over our province.
Senator urges 'Canadians First' policy
Article in Question
I love this. So I can't find a Canadian to work for me, I hire a foreign worker and I have to pay $500 towards a fund to train a Canadian to do the job in the future and that Canadian may well be on the other side of the country and end up working for some one else! Is this guy serious? Once again, the businesses get slapped. I really wish these politicians would understand that businesses aren't big, evil institutions out to screw the world and everyone in it for a profit. Many of us have mortgaged or houses, racked up credit cards and lines of credits or borrowed from family or banks to get our businesses going. In case this genius hasn't noticed a huge portion of the poulation earn their living working for one of these businesses.
How does this senator (click that link for a some enlightening reading on these guys) think I can afford to pay an additional $500 per foreign employee? Why is it my responsibility? I already have to pay for my employees' retirement benefits and employment insurance. Again, why are those things my responsibility? Somewhere along the line business have been branded as greedy, evil machines that have cash oozing out of them. So of course they can pay for all sorts of things instead of leaving the individual person responsible for their own welfare - it has be come the burden of the business. I don't remember any of my employees offering me a helping hand to get things going or to keep the doors open. They simply stand their with their hands out as though I somehow owe them a living and it is my responsibility to look after them. I suppose this is indicative of our society. No one has any responsibility for anything - some one else will look after me and take the fall for my actions seems to be the prevailing mentality.
This is yet another good reason I am a member of the CFIB. Literally an organization whose sole purpose is to prevent the government from wiping out small business in this country. By the way, according to Statistics Canada's Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours data, on average in 2007, just over 5.1 million employees on payroll, or 48 percent of the total private sector labour force worked for small enterprises source. By making small business operations more difficult by introducing harebrained schemes like this, the Canadian government will continue to be responsible for playing a role in business going under and lives being shattered through bankruptcy and loss of jobs.
I love this. So I can't find a Canadian to work for me, I hire a foreign worker and I have to pay $500 towards a fund to train a Canadian to do the job in the future and that Canadian may well be on the other side of the country and end up working for some one else! Is this guy serious? Once again, the businesses get slapped. I really wish these politicians would understand that businesses aren't big, evil institutions out to screw the world and everyone in it for a profit. Many of us have mortgaged or houses, racked up credit cards and lines of credits or borrowed from family or banks to get our businesses going. In case this genius hasn't noticed a huge portion of the poulation earn their living working for one of these businesses.
How does this senator (click that link for a some enlightening reading on these guys) think I can afford to pay an additional $500 per foreign employee? Why is it my responsibility? I already have to pay for my employees' retirement benefits and employment insurance. Again, why are those things my responsibility? Somewhere along the line business have been branded as greedy, evil machines that have cash oozing out of them. So of course they can pay for all sorts of things instead of leaving the individual person responsible for their own welfare - it has be come the burden of the business. I don't remember any of my employees offering me a helping hand to get things going or to keep the doors open. They simply stand their with their hands out as though I somehow owe them a living and it is my responsibility to look after them. I suppose this is indicative of our society. No one has any responsibility for anything - some one else will look after me and take the fall for my actions seems to be the prevailing mentality.
This is yet another good reason I am a member of the CFIB. Literally an organization whose sole purpose is to prevent the government from wiping out small business in this country. By the way, according to Statistics Canada's Survey of Employment, Payrolls and Hours data, on average in 2007, just over 5.1 million employees on payroll, or 48 percent of the total private sector labour force worked for small enterprises source. By making small business operations more difficult by introducing harebrained schemes like this, the Canadian government will continue to be responsible for playing a role in business going under and lives being shattered through bankruptcy and loss of jobs.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Furthering the Cause
I am a very frustrated small business owner in southern Alberta. I am struggling to make a go of things in the face of the current economy. I am sick to death of hearing things like the CRA having paid millions to people that don't even work for the government whilst I struggle to make my source deduction payments. I cringe when I hear day after day how the federal government plans to bail out Ontario and her economic woes while not a thing is mentioned about Alberta. After all, we are the "have province" in this country, we should be able to look after ourselves, right? I am sorry, but the price for the privilege of being Canadian is just too high. Change is possible. THIS IS NOT HOW IT HAS TO BE!
This blog will attempt to bring some focus to the events going on in this country and provide a reality check to regular working Albertans from a regular, working Albertan's perspective. I will also attempt to open eyes to the fact that Canada is simply too large and diverse to be fairly and effectively governed by one entity. I don't claim to be a political expert (that's a funny term), I am just giving an opinion as regular citizen - the very type of person our government was supposed to be of and for.
This blog will attempt to bring some focus to the events going on in this country and provide a reality check to regular working Albertans from a regular, working Albertan's perspective. I will also attempt to open eyes to the fact that Canada is simply too large and diverse to be fairly and effectively governed by one entity. I don't claim to be a political expert (that's a funny term), I am just giving an opinion as regular citizen - the very type of person our government was supposed to be of and for.
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